
N°24-26: Institutional Investors and the Fight Against Climate Change

Z. Sautner, T. Kolasa
Working Papers
17 avr. 2024

N°24-25: Technology Entrepreneurs’ Environmental Commitments and Crowdfunding Outcomes

V. Pursiainen, M. Qian, D. Y. Tang
Working Papers
16 avr. 2024

N°24-24: Examining the Relationship between Bank Reputational Disaster and Sponsored Money Market Fund Flows

S. Ongena, E. Akyildirim, S. Corbet, D. Staunton
Working Papers
16 avr. 2024

N°24-23: Good and Bad Credit Growth: Sectoral Credit Allocation and Systemic Risk

S. Ongena, A. N. Andrieș, N. Sprincean
Working Papers
16 avr. 2024

Limited Attention to Detail in Financial Markets: Evidence from Reduced-Form and Structural Estimation

Z. Sautner, H. Cronqvist, T. Ladika, E. Pazaj
Academic Publications
2 avr. 2024

Is it Alpha or Beta? Decomposing Hedge Fund returns when models are misspecified.

P. Gagliardini, O. Scaillet, D. Ardia, L. Barras
Academic Publications
2 avr. 2024

Asset Life, Leverage, and Debt Maturity Matching

E. Morellec, T. Geelen, J. Hajda, A. Winegar
Academic Publications
2 avr. 2024

ESG Shareholder Engagement and Downside Risk

Z. Sautner, A. G. F. Hoepner, I. Oikonomou, L. T. Starks, X. Y. Zhou
Academic Publications
20 mars 2024

N°24-22: Climate Transition Beliefs

S. Ramelli, M. Ceccarelli
Working Papers
1 mars 2024

N°24-21: Paying Too Much? Borrower Sophistication and Overpayment in the US Mortgage Market

A. Fuster, N. Bhutta, A. Hizmo
Working Papers
1 mars 2024

N°24-20: Household Belief Formation in Uncertain Times

R. Mihet, L. Gemmi
Working Papers
27 fév. 2024

N°24-19: CEOs Showing Humanity: Human Care Statements in Conference Calls and Stock Market

A. Wagner, L. C. Howe, L. M. Giurge, J. I. Menges
Working Papers
27 fév. 2024

N°24-18: Green Innovations—Do Patents Pay Off for the Environment or for the Investors?

T. Hens, M. Schlosser, E. Trutwin
Working Papers
27 fév. 2024

N°24-17: The Price of Money: The Reserves Convertibility Premium over the Term Structure

K. Nyborg, J. Woschitz
Working Papers
20 fév. 2024

N°24-16: Pension Liquidity Risk

A. Ranaldo, K. A. E. Jansen, S. Klinger, P. Duijm
Working Papers
12 fév. 2024
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