Conseil de fondation

Le Conseil de fondation est le principal organe directeur de l'institut. Il comprend des représentants issus de ses membres fondateurs et de ses universités partenaires.


Stefan Seiler

Group Head Human Resources & Corporate Services, UBS AG


Vice président

Stephanino Isele

Member of the Executive Board and Head Institutionals & Multinationals, Zürcher Kantonalbank


Membres du Conseil de fondation

Jochen Dürr

Chief Risk Officer and Member of the Executive Board of SIX Group AG

Olivier Ginguené

CIO, Multi Asset und Quantitative Investment, Pictet Asset Management—as Representative of the Association Banques Privées Suisses (ABPS)

Alfonso Gómez

CEO, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)—as Representative of the Association of Foreign Banks in Switzerland

Frédéric Herman

Rector, University of Lausanne

Pascal Kiener

CEO, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise

Luisa Lambertini

Rector, Università della Svizzera italiana

Klaus Möller

Vice President Faculty & Research, University of St.Gallen

Olivier Roussy 

Member of the Board of Directors, Raiffeisen Schweiz

Christian Schwarzenegger

Vice President Faculty Affairs & Scientific Information, University of Zurich

Luca Soncini

Member of the Board of Directors, Banca dello Stato del Cantone Ticino—as Representative of the Associazione Bancaria Ticinese

Roman Studer

CEO, Swiss Bankers Association

Stephan A. Zwahlen

CEO, Maerki Baumann & Co AG—as Representative of the Association of Swiss Asset and Wealth Management Banks

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