N°25-27: Optimal Maximin GMM Tests for Sphericity in Latent Factor Analysis of Short Panels

AuthorO. Scaillet, P. Gagliardini, A.-P. Fortin
Date7 mars 2025
CatégorieWorking Papers

We derive optimal maximin tests for errors sphericity in latent factor analysis of short panels. We rely on a Generalized Method of Moments setting with optimal weighting under a large cross-sectional dimension n and a fixed time series dimension T. We outline the asymptotic distributions of the estimators as well as the asymptotic maximin optimality of the Wald, Lagrange Multiplier, and Likelihood Ratio-type tests. The characterisation of optimality relies on finding the limit Gaussian experiment in strongly identified GMM models under a block-dependence structure and unobserved heterogeneity. We reject sphericity in an empirical application to a large cross-section of U.S. stocks, which casts doubt on the validity of routinely applying Principal Component Analysis to short panels of monthly financial returns.