
SFI retains more than 75 top professors across our eight partner universities situated throughout Switzerland. Fundamental research by SFI professors plants the seeds for new financial ideas and provides fertile ground for innovation. Since 2006, SFI professors have published more than 100 articles on banking and finance in top-level academic journals. And they have shared their results with all sectors of the finance industry, through university classes, public workshops, and continuing education courses. To locate a professor, please use the filter fields below.


Please also find an electronic version of our SFI Expertise Guide. The publication shall give you a comprehensive overview of what we do at SFI and the extensive expertise of our SFI faculty members.


Luise Eisfeld

SFI Faculty Member, University of Lausanne

Prof. Paul Embrechts

SFI Faculty Member, ETH Zurich

Prof. Florian Eugster

SFI Faculty Member, University of St.Gallen

Prof. Rüdiger Fahlenbrach

SFI Senior Chair, EPFL

Prof. Walter Farkas

SFI Faculty Member, ETH Zurich, University of Zurich

Prof. Matthias Fengler

SFI Faculty Member, University of St.Gallen

Prof. Damir Filipović

SFI Senior Chair, EPFL

Prof. Francesco Franzoni

SFI Senior Chair, Università della Svizzera italiana

Prof. Laurent Frésard

SFI Senior Chair, Università della Svizzera italiana

Prof. Roland Füss

SFI Faculty Member, University of St.Gallen

Prof. Andreas Fuster

SFI Senior Chair, EPFL

Prof. Patrick Gagliardini

SFI Faculty Member, Università della Svizzera italiana

Can Gao

SFI Faculty Member, University of St.Gallen

Prof. Manfred Gilli

SFI Faculty Member, University of Geneva

Prof. Amit Goyal

SFI Senior Chair, University of Lausanne

Prof. Michel Habib

SFI Faculty Member, University of Zurich

Prof. Harald Hau

SFI Senior Chair, University of Geneva

Prof. Thorsten Hens

SFI Faculty Member, University of Zurich

Martin Hoesli

SFI Faculty Member, University of Geneva

Prof. Eric Jondeau

SFI Faculty Member, University of Lausanne

Partner Universities

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