The Swiss Finance Institute Alumni Association (SFIAA) was previously known as the Swiss Banking School’s Alumni Association. The Association was registered in the Swiss Register of Companies (Handelsregister) on 04 July 1991.

Our regular members include recipients of all graduates of the Executive MBA, Advanced Executive Program, SFI International Bank Management Program, SFI International Wealth Management Retreat (a C-Level Program), the SFI Doctoral Program and the Degree Programs jointly offered with the University Rochester-Bern.

The purpose of the SFIAA as stated in its Articles of Association (Statuten) is to promote the welfare of the Swiss Finance Institute and to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the Swiss Finance Institute and its alumni. Networking and continuing education are the two pillars of our activities.

The Board of Directors (Vorstand) holds one Annual Meeting (Generalversammlung) each year in Zurich.

Upcoming Events

Aug 29 2024
17:45 - 20:30
Sep 13 2024
10:30 - 21:00
Küssnacht am Rigi
Sep 18 2024
11:45 - 14:00
Sep 18 2024
18:00 - 22:00
Oct 31 2024
12:00 - 14:00
Nov 13 2024
11:45 - 14:00
Nov 13 2024
18:30 - 22:00
Dec 03 2024
18:00 - 22:00

Executive Committee

Lisa Sennhauser

President of the Board – SFIAA

André Del Piero

Vice-President – SFIAA

Christophe-Pierre Lobisommer

Chief Financial Officer – SFIAA

Jan Karban

Annual Program – SFIAA

Andreas Wyder

Ambassador – SFIAA Basle

Alexandre Kohler

Ambassador – SFIAA Romandie

Olga Briukhova

Events Zurich – SFIAA

Yannick Ulmann

Events Zurich – SFIAA