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Theodosios Dimopoulos is Professor of Finance at the University of Lausanne. Professor Dimopoulos has received several grants and awards during his academic career.


Professor Dimopoulos studies the topic of debt crisis factors, which is not only a recurrent phenomenon but is also one of prime importance given the recent surge in global debt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Results show how borrower myopia—that is, the excessive short-termism of borrowers— self-inflicts serial default and gives rise to repeated bailouts. These results answer the following questions: When does myopia accelerate default? When does myopia increase or decrease the bargaining strength of borrowers during bailout negotiations? When does myopia sharpen the response of credit spreads to worsening economic conditions?

Expertise Fields

  • Financial Markets
    • Financial Crises
  • Financial Institutions
    • Venture Capital and Private Equity
  • Corporate Finance and Governance
    • Capital Budgeting and Investment Policy
    • Corporate Governance and Managerial Compensation
    • Financial Valuation
    • Financing Policy and Capital Structure
    • Mergers and Acquisitions

Current Publications:

Nº 21-11: Self-inflicted Debt Crises

Merger Activity in Industry Equilibrium

Preemptive Bidding, Target Resistance and Takeover Premiums

N°14-56: Merger Activity in Industry Equilibrium, T. Dimopoulos and S. Sacchetto, 2014.

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