
SFI Public Discussion Note: Sustainable Finance Metrics

Sustainability has emerged as one of the most profound societal trends of our time. Consequently, investors…

Negative Interest Rates in Switzerland—Quo vadis?

With its aim of encouraging active knowledge exchange between practitioners and researchers in the field…

SFI Public Discussion Note: Low Interest Rates in a Post-pandemic World

The subject of negative interest rates is a highly controversial one, in Switzerland and abroad. In…

SFI Roundup: Real Estate—How Strong Are the Foundations?

Real estate is an asset class of its own. This SFI Roundup starts by providing a thorough review of…

The Swiss Financial Center Continues to Be Ranked among Top Tier

Renowned experts discussed the subject of financial center regulation during yesterday’s webinar and…

Top Ranking for SFI Professors at Forschungsmonitoring

Forschungsmonitoring has ranked the best economic researchers from Switzerland, Germany, and Austria

Digital Pulse Check Switzerland

Study on the current status of digital transformation in the banking sector

Season's Greetings from SFI!

With the holidays just around the corner, we would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank…

Transitioning from a WILD to a CLIC Economy – Rethinking Sustainable Investing

Patrick Odier, Senior Managing Partner at the Lombard Odier Group, presented an investor perspective…

Finance and the Green Transition

Our Annual Meeting focused on the role of the financial industry towards achieving a low-carbon economy…

Outstanding Paper Award 2020

The Swiss Finance Institute’s college of chairs has named Professor Xavier Gabaix, Harvard University…

SFI Roundups: Finance and the Green Transition

The transition to a green economy is now a top priority for the private sector, which not only contributes…

Does Skill Equal Alpha? Success Factors in Asset Management

Renowned experts discussed the role of skills in asset/wealth management during yesterday’s SFI–Capco…

Resultate der Umfrage zu den Berufsaussichten in der Finanzbranche 2020

Trotz Coronakrise sind die Berufsaussichten in der Schweizer Bankbranche intakt

SFI Roundups: Private Markets—the New Financial Frontier?

Private markets—once dismissed as niche investments—have become a major asset class over the last few…

Le bilan de la BNS se chiffre en centaines de milliards – un trésor ?

La Banque Nationale Suisse a augmenté son bilan en faisant tourner la planche à billets. Elle devra…

Unterstützung für Schweizer KMU

Die Überbrückungskredite für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen im Rahmen der Covid-Krise erhöhen deren…

Stösst die Schweizerische Negativzinspolitik an ihre Grenzen?

In den letzten Jahren haben die Notenbanken verschiedener Länder die kurzfristigen Zinssätze bis in…

Financement de la Dette en Période de Turbulences

SFI Prof. Erwan Morellec et Prof. Jean-Pierre Danthine, ancien directeur général du SFI, à l’EPFL, proposent…

Umfrage: Berufsaussichten in der Finanzbranche 2020

Wie weiter nach der Corona-Krise? Wie schätzen Sie unter diesen Voraussetzungen die Berufsaussichten…

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