SFI Roundup: FinTech—A Fast-Moving Frontier

FinTech is currently transforming the financial world. Through an explosion of innovations, it promises to make finance more efficient, transparent, and accessible.
Date10 Nov 2022

Yet questions and expectations surround this transformation, with respect to data, financial valuation, and trust. How will business opportunities and the competitive landscape in banking and finance be affected? Is data becoming a new marketable commodity? Are the inherent risks to privacy and financial stability being properly assessed and managed? Consider this: Where would you store a valuable piece of information?


Discover the research insights into this topic of SFI professors Laurent Frésard (USI), Andreas Fuster (EPFL), and Jean-Charles Rochet (UNIGE), along with the practical insights of Jochen Dürr (Chief Risk Officer, SIX), Stephanie Wickihalder (President, Swiss Fintech Innovations, and Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd.), and Marianne Wildi (Chief Executive Officer, Hypothekarbank Lenzburg AG), all in our most recent issue.


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