
Banks and Bonds: The Impact of Bank Loan Announcements on Bond and Equity Prices

S. Ongena, V. Roscovan, W. L. Song, and B. Werker
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

Asset Pricing with Nonlinear Risk Premia

P. Schneider, A. Mijatovic
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

Asset Demand Based Tests of Expected Utility Maximization

F. Kübler, L. Selden, and X. Wei
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

Approximating Stochastic Volatility by Recombinant Trees

H. Soner, E. Akyildirim, Y. Dolinsky
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

An Academic Response to Basel 3.5

P. Embrechts, G. Puccetti, L. Rüschendorf, R. Wang and A. Beleraj
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

Aggregation of Log-Linear Risks, Celebrating 40 Years of the Applied Probability Trust

P. Embrechts, E. Hashorva and T. Mikosch
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

A Simple Microstructure Return Model Explaining Microstructure Noise and Epps Effects

D. Sornette, A. Saichev
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

A Note on the Condition of No Unbounded Profit with Bounded Risk

M. Schweizer, K. Takaoka
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

A Heat Kernel Approach to Interest Rate Models

J. Teichmann, J. Akahori, Y. Hishida and T. Tsuchiya
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

1980-2008: The Illusion of the Perpetual Money Machine and What It Bodes for the Future, with P. Cauwels, Risks

D. Sornette, P. Cauwels
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2014

Nº 13-33: Capital Levels and Risk-Taking Propensity in Financial Institutions

G. Barone-Adesi, W. Farkas, P. Koch-Medina
Working Papers
27 mai 2013

Nº 13-10: What Constrains Liquidity Provision? Evidence From Institutional Trades

F. Franzoni, A. Plazzi, E. Cötelioglu
Working Papers
26 mars 2013

The Term Structure of Interbank Risk

D. Filipović, A. Trolle
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2013

Realizing Smiles: Options Pricing with Realized Volatility

F. Corsi, N. Fusari, and D. La Vecchia
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2013

Real Effects of Stock Underpricing

H. Hau, S. Lai
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2013
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