
Estimating the Price Impact of Trades in a High-Frequency Microstructure Model with Jumps

E. Jondeau, M. Rockinger, J. Lahaye
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

Dependence Uncertainty for Aggregate Risk: Examples and Simple Bounds, in The Fascination of Probability, Statistics and their Applications

P. Embrechts, M. Podolskij, R. Stelzer, S. Thorbjørnsen
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

Decision-Making during the Crisis: Did the Treasury let Commercial Banks fail?

E. Nowak, E. Croci and G. Hertig
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

Decentralized Exchange

S. Malamud, M. Rostek
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

Crowdfunding as a Success Factor to Shake Up a Sleeping Market, in Strategic Innovation: The Definitive Guide to Outlier Strategies

E. Nowak, ed. Ed. L. Välikangas and M.Gibbert
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

Consistent Yield Curve Prediction

J. Teichmann, M. Wüthrich
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

Collateralization, Bank Loan Rates, and Monitoring

S. Ongena, G. Cerqueiro, K. Roszbach
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

Asymmetry in Tail Dependence in Equity Portfolios

E. Jondeau
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

Asymmetric Information and Insurance

H. Albrecher
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

Asset Allocation and Monetary Policy: Evidence from the Eurozone

H. Hau, S. Lai
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

An Extreme Value Approach for Modeling Operational Risk Losses Depending on Covariates

P. Embrechts, V. Chavez-Demoulin, M. Hofert
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

A Survival Analysis of Islamic and Conventional Banks

S. Ongena, A.-M. Fuertes, M. Izzeldin and V. Pappas
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

A Rigorous Approach to Business Services Offshoring and North-North Trade

T. Hens, B. Dluhosch
Academic Publications
1 jan. 2016

SFI Practitioner Roundups Magazine Winter 2015/16

F. Degeorge, D. Filipović, F. Kübler, S. Ongena, M. Hoesli, Ch. L. Culp, K. Schmedders
31 déc. 2015

Is the New Regulation for Global Systemically Important Banks Effective in Limiting "Too Big to Fail"?

S. Ongena, S. C. Moenninghoff, A. Wieandt
1 déc. 2015
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