
Nº 21-20: How Green FinTech Can Alleviate the Impact of Climate Change—The Case of Switzerland

V. Khmarskyi, T. Puschmann, C. Hoffmann
Working Papers
1 mars 2021

Nº 21-19: Ask BERT: How Regulatory Disclosure of Transition and Physical Climate Risks affects the CDS Term Structure

M. Leippold, J. Rillaerts, J. F. Kölbel, Q. Wang
Working Papers
26 fév. 2021

Nº 21-18: Risk & Returns around Fomc Press Conferences: A Novel Perspective from Computer Vision

A. Marchal
Working Papers
25 fév. 2021

Nº 21-17: The Sustainability Wage Gap

P. Krüger, D. Metzger, J. Wu
Working Papers
24 fév. 2021

Nº 21-16: Can the Variance After-Effect Distort Stock Returns?

T. Berrada
Working Papers
19 fév. 2021

Nº 21-15: Optimal Transport of Information

S. Malamud, A. Cieslak, A. Schrimpf
Working Papers
18 fév. 2021

The Sources of Financing Constraints

B. Nikolov, L. Schmid, R. Steri
Academic Publications
15 fév. 2021

Nº 21-14: International Arbitrage Premia

P. Schneider, M. Sandulescu
Working Papers
15 fév. 2021

Disappearing and Reappearing Dividends.

R. Michaely, A. Moin
Academic Publications
12 fév. 2021

Signaling Safety

R. Michaely, S. Rossi, M. Weber
Academic Publications
11 fév. 2021

Slow-Moving Capital and Execution Costs: Evidence from a Major Trading Glitch.

P. Collin-Dufresne, V. Bogousslavsky, M. Saglam
Academic Publications
10 fév. 2021

Nº 21-13: Asymmetric Information and the Securitization of SME Loans

S. Ongena, U. Albertazzi, M. Bottero, L. Gambacorta
Working Papers
8 fév. 2021

Nº 21-12: The Equity Market Implications of the Retail Investment Boom

C. Jaunin, P. Van der Beck
Working Papers
2 fév. 2021

Nº 21-11: Self-inflicted Debt Crises

T. Dimopoulos, N. Schürhoff
Working Papers
1 fév. 2021

Nº 21-10: (In)efficient Repo Markets

L. Mancini, N. Schürhoff, T. Dieler
Working Papers
29 jan. 2021
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