N°24-69: Does Sentiment Help in Asset Pricing? A Novel Approach using Large Language Models and Market-Based Labels

AuthorF. Audrino, J. Schüttler, F. Sigrist
Date20 nov. 2024
CatégorieWorking Papers

We present a novel approach to sentiment analysis in financial markets by using a state-of-the-art large language model, a market data-driven labeling approach, and a large dataset consisting of diverse financial text sources including earnings call transcripts, newspapers, and social media tweets. Based on our approach, we define a predictive high-low sentiment asset pricing factor which is significant in explaining cross-sectional asset pricing for U.S. stocks. Further, we find that a long/short equal-weighted portfolio yields an average annualized return of 35.56% and an annualized Sharpe ratio of 2.21, remaining substantially profitable even when transaction costs are considered. A comparison with an alternative financial sentiment analysis tool (FinBERT) underscores the superiority of our data-driven labeling approach over traditional human-annotated labeling.