Money Market Disconnect

AuthorA. Ranaldo, B. Ballensiefen, H.Winterberg
JournalThe Review of Financial Studies
Date23 oct. 2023
CatégorieAcademic Publications
Page numbers4158–4189

A repurchase agreement (repo) is a source of cash and collateral. We document that the money market is more segmented when the collateral motive prevails. Two crucial aspects of the central bank framework lead to this disconnect: banks’ access to the central bank's deposit facility and assets’ eligibility for Quantitative Easing (QE). We show that repo rates lent by banks with access to the deposit facility and secured by QE eligible assets are more collateral-driven and disconnected from funding-based money market rates. Our results are relevant for different monetary policies and have suggestive implications for the monetary policy pass-through.