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Michel Habib is Professor of Finance at the University of Zurich. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, he taught at the London Business School.


Professor Habib's recent work has been on sovereign debt. He seeks to determine a country's maximum debt capacity, an essential variable given the significant increases in government debt that have occurred in the wake of the financial and COVID-19 crises. He has also been working on political economy considerations in the transmission of central bank policy, examining the role of central and local government bank ownership in China and factionalism within the Chinese Communist Party in hastening or hindering the implementation of The People's Bank of China's mortgage lending directives. Further, he has been studying legal systems, comparing the information production incentives provided by the differing pre-trial procedures in common and civil law systems.

Expertise Fields

  • Financial Markets
    • Systemic Risk and Regulation
  • Financial Institutions
    • Institutional Investors and Funds
  • Corporate Finance and Governance
    • Corporate Governance and Managerial Compensation

Current Publications:

N°23-14: The Implementation of Central Bank Policy in China: The Roles of Commercial Bank Ownership and CEO Faction Membership

N°18-68: Valuation in the Public and Private Sectors: Tax, Risk, Debt Capacity, and the Cost of Capital, R. A. Brealey, I. A. Cooper, and M. A. Habib, 2018.

N°17-73: Principle or Opportunism? Discretion, Capital, and Incentives, J. Falkinger and M. A. Habib, 2017.

N°17-39: The Reluctant Defaulter: A Tale of High Government Debt

SFI Practitioner Roundups Magazine Summer 2016

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