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Ines Chaieb is Professor of Finance at the University of Geneva. She is a regular speaker at major academic conferences and workshops on finance worldwide.


Professor Chaieb studies equity ownership structure worldwide using a comprehensive database of equity ownership by insiders, governments, and institutional investors. Her work revisits the extent of equity home bias in developed and emerging markets and how it varies across different shareholders. She also studies the role of ESG elements in predicting institutional ownership and whether ESG preferences vary across different institutions. Data covering more than 40 countries for 20 years shows that non-US institutions tilt their portfolios toward firms with high ESG ratings when they invest at home but not when they invest abroad. Reversely, US institutions offer no apparent tilt toward firms with high ESG ratings at home or abroad. The three ESG pillars matter differently across countries and for US versus non-US institutions.

Expertise Fields

  • Financial Markets
    • International Financial Markets and Emerging Markets
  • Portfolio Management and Asset Classes
    • Asset Pricing
    • Equities
    • Fixed Income
    • Foreign Exchange
    • Portfolio Management
  • Financial Institutions
    • Institutional Investors and Funds
  • Frontier Topics
    • Big Data and Fintech
    • Sustainable Finance

Current Publications:

N°24-71: Sustainable Investing Home and Abroad

N°24-72: Who Invests in What? Public Firms Ownership Around the World

How is Liquidity Priced in Global Markets?

Measuring Sovereign Bond Market Integration

SFI Practitioner Roundups Magazine 2018

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