SFI–SSF Conference 2025

Sustainable Finance: Moving From Compliance to Opportunities
Date24 Sep 2025
Temps13:15 - 17:20
LieuLake Side, Bellerivestrasse 170, 8008 Zurich

In partnership with Swiss Sustainable Finance and in association with Building Bridges, the Swiss Finance Institute is hosting the fifth edition of its renowned conference on current sustainable finance issues. This year's theme is "Sustainable Finance: Moving from Compliance to Opportunities". The conference will be held in Zurich on Wednesday, 24 September 2025.

Sustainable finance is often viewed as a compliance exercise aimed at meeting regulatory requirements and addressing social and political expectations. However, given the evolving political landscape it is increasingly important to assess the true value and real-world impact of sustainable financial practices. Recognizing sustainable finance as a strategic opportunity rather than just an obligation enables more effective capital allocation toward efforts to address urgent environmental and social challenges, while also improving investment strategies. This conference offers a platform from which to explore whether moving beyond compliance can unlock real value—financially, environmentally, and socially.

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Terms and Conditions


Conditions générales

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Ces données sont nécessaires à l'inscription et au bon déroulement de l'événement. Vous pouvez également fournir de manière facultative des données personnelles concernant votre affiliation au programme CFA, votre statut d’ancien du SFI, d’étudiant universitaire ou de représentant des médias, ainsi que des commentaires.

Vous avez la possibilité de vous inscrire sans fournir de données facultatives.



Doors Open, Registration, and Lunch

13:15 Welcome Note
Olivia Kinghorst, Moderator

Short Interview with Representatives of SFI and of SSF
Prof. François Degeorge, Managing Director, SFI, and
Sabine Döbeli, CEO, SSF,
moderated by Olivia Kinghorst

Keynote Speeches


Keynote Presentation I
Urs Baumann, CEO, Zürcher Kantonalbank


Keynote Presentation II: What Explains Sustainable Finance Fatigue?
SFI Prof. Philipp Krüger, Professor of Responsible Finance, UNIGE, and Senior Chair, SFI

Investing with Impact


Presentation I
SFI Prof. Laurent Frésard, Professor of Finance, USI, and Senior Chair, SFI


Presentation II
Julia Wittenburg, Head of Stewardship, Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd. 


Presentation III
Rosa Sangiorgio, Swiss Plattform for Impact Investing


Joint Q&A


Break and Refreshments

Asset Classes


Presentation I
SFI Prof. Stefano Ramelli, Assistant Professor in Corporate Finance, UNISG, and Faculty Member, SFI


Presentation II
Daniela Lavrador, Director Romandie, SSF


Presentation III
Lukas Gisiger, UBS Switzerland AG


Joint Q&A


Panel Discussion

moderated by Olivia Kinghorst


Closing Remarks
Olivia Kinghorst, Moderator

17:20 Aperitif


The conference will be moderated by Olivia Kinghorst, moderator and journalist.


This in-person conference will be held in English and participation is free of charge. Please note, however, that we only have a limited number of places available. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note too that this is a public event and that photographs will be taken.


Conference organized in partnership with Swiss Sustainable Finance and in association with Building Bridges



Lake Side, Bellerivestrasse 170, 8008 Zurich