It is our pleasure to announce the SFI-Capco Institute Banking & Finance Forum. Seize the opportunity to get up to date on the topics of secondary buyouts, the real estate bubble, and the long-term allocation of pension fund liabilities, and engage in the knowledge exchange between industry representatives of the highest seniority and top-class academics. This free conference gives you the opportunity to attend only the specific panels of your choosing.
The attendance is free of charge.
Registration & Welcome Refreshments
Welcome Address
Rudi Bogni, Former CEO, UBS Private Bank—Conference chairman
Prof. François Degeorge, Managing Director, Swiss Finance Institute
Dr. Ingo Rauser, Senior Partner—Switzerland, Capco Institute
Panel 1 – Secondary Buyouts—Creating or Destroying Value for Investors?
In the past, private equity firms seeking to exit sold their portfolio companies to another company in the same industry or organized an IPO. Today, more than half of private equity exits are secondary buyouts. Do secondary buyouts create or destroy value for investors?
Andreas Baumann, Partner, Head Private Equity Integrated Investments, Partners Group
Prof. François Degeorge, Swiss Finance Institute Managing Director and Professor of Finance at the Università della Svizzera italiana
Rolf Friedli, Managing Partner, Capvis Equity Partners AG
Jürgen Gerke, CEO, Allianz Capital Partners GmbH
Markus Reich, Managing Partner, Cross Equity Partners AG
Coffee Break
Panel 2 – The Real Estate Bubble—Will Real Estate Prices Continue to Rise or Is a Correction Ahead?
Rising real estate prices are a cause for concern. Will the upward trend continue or is a correction ahead?
Dr. Andreas Merbecks, Partner, Capco Switzerland
Prof. Alberto Plazzi, Swiss Finance Institute Associate Professor of Finance at the Università della Svizzera italiana
Luciano Gabriel, Chairman, PSP Swiss Property
Roger Hennig, Head of Real Estate, Schroder Investment Management (Switzerland) AG
Zoltan Szelyes, Head of Global Market Research—Real Estate, Credit Suisse Asset Management (Schweiz) AG
Panel 3 – Optimal Long-Term Allocation with Pension Fund Liabilities
Over the last 10 years most developed countries have experienced a low return environment with very low short-term interest rates. This new environment has raised issues for pension fund management. What have been the main consequences? What are the prospects in the current expansion phase?
Rudi Bogni, Former CEO, UBS Private Bank
Prof. Eric Jondeau, Swiss Finance Institute Professor of Finance at the University of Lausanne
Alexandre Gaillard, CEO & founder, InvestGlass
Raphael Joos, Chief Risk Officer, Pensionskasse der Credit Suisse Group (Schweiz)
Stephan Meschenmoser, MD and Investment Strategist, BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG
Jean-Luc Seidenberg, Head of Europe, UBS Asset Management
Keynote Speech—Asset Management—FINMA's Perspective
Chairman: Rudi Bogni, Former CEO, UBS Private Bank
Dr. Michael Loretan, Member of the Executive Board and Head of Asset Management Division of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA will talk about the positioning of FINMA in the sphere of asset management in general and touch upon some recent developments in the areas of outsourcing, real estate, and innovative technologies.
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