
N°23-49: Risk Classification with On-Demand Insurance

A. Braun, N. Häusle, P. D. Thistle
Working Papers
12 June 2023

N°23-48: HFTs and Dealer Banks: Liquidity and Price Discovery in FX Trading

A. Ranaldo, W. Huang, P. O’Neill, S. Yu
Working Papers
9 June 2023

N°23-47: Do Structured Products Improve Portfolio Performance? A Backtesting Exercise

M. Rockinger, F. Perusset
Working Papers
8 June 2023

N°23-46: Sustainable Investing and Political Behavior

J. Kölbel, S. Ramelli, F. Heeb, A. Vasileva
Working Papers
7 June 2023

N°23-45: Admissible Surplus Dynamics and the Government Debt Puzzle

P. Collin-Dufresne, J. Hugonnier, E. Perazzi
Working Papers
6 June 2023

N°23-44: Latent Factor Analysis in Short Panels

A. Fortin, P. Gagliardini, O. Scaillet
Working Papers
5 June 2023

N°23-43: Ricardian Business Cycles

L. Bretscher, J. Fernández-Villaverde, S. Scheidegger
Working Papers
2 June 2023

N°23-42: Passive Demand and Active Supply: Evidence from Maturity-Mandated Corporate Bond Funds

L. Bretscher, L. Schmid, T. Ye
Working Papers
1 June 2023

N°23-41: A Parsimonious Inverse Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Process for Financial Price Modeling

D. Sornette, L. Lin
Working Papers
31 May 2023

N°23-40: Monetary Policy, HTM Securities, and Uninsured Deposit Withdrawals

S. Ongena, Ö. Dursun-de Neef, A. Schandlbauer
Working Papers
30 May 2023

N°23-39: Mixed-Frequency Predictive Regressions with Parameter Learning

M. Leippold, H. Yang
Working Papers
29 May 2023

N°23-38: Optimal Dynamic Asset Allocation with Transaction Costs: The Role of Hedging Demands

P. Collin-Dufresne, K. D. Daniel, M. Saglam
Working Papers
26 May 2023

N°23-37: How Do Firms Choose Between Growth and Efficiency?

L. Frésard, L. Mancini, D. Sinno, E. J. Schroth
Working Papers
25 May 2023

N°23-36: Economic Consequences of Banks’ Use of their Discretion over the Accounting and Regulatory Treatment of Investment Securities

M. Arnold, M. Dong, R. Oberson
Working Papers
24 May 2023

N°23-35: Do Loans Carry a Control Spread? Evidence from the Allocation of Control Rights Across Creditors

M. Arnold, N. Kollmann, A. Tengulov
Working Papers
23 May 2023
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