
When failure is an option: Fragile liquidity in over-the-counter markets

N. Schürhoff, T. Hendershott, D. Li, D. Livdan
Academic Publications
14 June 2024

The Dynamics of Loan Sales and Lender Incentives

E. Morellec, S. Gryglewicz, S. Mayer
Academic Publications
12 June 2024

Does Alternative Data Improve Financial Forecasting? The Horizon Effect

L. Frésard, F. Derrien, T. Foucault
Academic Publications
12 June 2024

Do investors care about biodiversity?

Z. Sautner, A. Wagner, A. Garel, A. Romec
Academic Publications
10 June 2024

Limited Attention to Detail in Financial Markets: Evidence from Reduced-Form and Structural Estimation

Z. Sautner, H. Cronqvist, T. Ladika, E. Pazaj
Academic Publications
2 April 2024

Is it Alpha or Beta? Decomposing Hedge Fund returns when models are misspecified.

P. Gagliardini, O. Scaillet, D. Ardia, L. Barras
Academic Publications
2 April 2024

Asset Life, Leverage, and Debt Maturity Matching

E. Morellec, T. Geelen, J. Hajda, A. Winegar
Academic Publications
2 April 2024

ESG Shareholder Engagement and Downside Risk

Z. Sautner, A. G. F. Hoepner, I. Oikonomou, L. T. Starks, X. Y. Zhou
Academic Publications
20 March 2024

The Climate in Climate Economics

F. Kübler, D. Folini, A. Friedl, S. Scheidegger
Academic Publications
30 Jan. 2024

Low Carbon Mutual Funds

S. Ramelli, A. Wagner, M. Ceccarelli
Academic Publications
25 Jan. 2024

How Integrated are Credit and Equity Markets? Evidence from Index Options

P. Collin-Dufresne, B. Junge, A. B. Trolle
Academic Publications
25 Jan. 2024

Financial returns to household inventory management

L. Küng , S. R. Baker, S. Johnson
Academic Publications
23 Jan. 2024

FinTech Credit and Entrepreneurial Growth

H. Hau, Y. Huang, C. Lin, H. Shan, Z. Sheng, L. Wei
Academic Publications
11 Jan. 2024

The Virtue of Complexity in Return Prediction

S. Malamud, B. T. Kelly, K. Zhou
Academic Publications
4 Jan. 2024

Return predictability with endogenous growth

L. Bretscher, F. M. Bandi, A. Tamoni
Academic Publications
6 Nov. 2023
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