SFI Roundup: Insights into Today's Real Estate Market—A Focus on Switzerland

AuthorL. Küng , R. Füss, Petra S. Häfliger, Daniel Salzmann, Jörg Schläpfer
Date6 July 2023
SFI Roundup: Insights into Today's Real Estate  Market—A Focus on Switzerland

Swiss housing prices have displayed an upward trend for the past 20 years, and the last time the country suffered a real estate crisis was in the late 1980s. But with higher inflation, higher interest rates, and increasing ESG risks, the real estate market now stands at a crossroads. Determining how the macroeconomic environment and energy regulations will affect prices and financing solutions is particularly challenging in today's environment. In this SFI Roundup, academics and industry experts review the current state of the real estate market and explore what may lie ahead for households and institutional investors.


Gain practical and research insights into this topic in our most recent SFI Roundup, with SFI Prof. Christoph Basten, UZH, SFI Prof. Roland Füss, UNISG, Petra S. Häfliger, Head of the Competence Center on the Swiss Mortgage Market at the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), SFI Prof. Lorenz Küng, USI, Daniel Salzmann, CEO of the Luzerner Kantonalbank (LUKB), and Jörg Schläpfer, Head of Macroeconomics at Wüest Partner.


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