SFI Roundups: Real Estate—How Strong are the Foundations?

Real estate is an asset class of its own. This SFI Roundup starts by providing a thorough review of today’s Swiss and international real estate market, before analyzing the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead. Academic and industry experts discuss the impact of the pandemic on commercial and residential real estate, the risk which lies beneath low interest rates, how climate change policies will influence the real estate valuation, as well as how financial intermediaries are bound to be affected by future trends in real estate.
Discover the research insights into this topic from SFI Prof. Amit Goyal, UNIL, SFI Prof. Lorenz Küng, USI, and SFI Prof. Alberto Plazzi, USI, as well as the practical insights from Mr. Stephan Lüthi, Head of Real Estate for Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank, Mr. Claudio Saputelli, Chief Investment Officer for Global Real Estate at UBS Global Wealth Management, and Prof. Donato Scognamiglio, Chief Executive Officer and Partner at IAZI, in our most recent issue.
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