Nº 21-57: Limited Liability and the Demand for Coinsurance by Individuals and Corporations

AuthorA. Bergesio, P. Koch-Medina, Prof. Cosimo-Andrea Munari
Date8 Aug. 2021
CategoryWorking Papers

Within the context of expected utility and in a discrete loss setting, we provide a complete account of the demand for insurance by strictly-risk averse agents and risk-neutral firms when they enjoy limited liability. When exposed to a bankrupting, binary loss and under actuarially fair prices, individuals and firms will either fully insure or not insure at all. The decision to insure will depend on whether the benefits the insuree derives from insurance after having compensated the damaged party are sufficiently attractive to justify the premium paid. When the loss is nonbinary, even when prices are actuarially fair, any amount of coinsurance can be optimal depending on the nature of the loss.