N°18-56: Dealer Heterogeneity and Exchange Rates

AuthorS. Malamud, F. Gallien, S. Glebkin, S. Kassibrakis, A. Teguia,
Date25 Feb. 2018
CategoryWorking Papers

We show, both theoretically and empirically, that several statistics of dealer heterogeneity affect prices and liquidity in the foreign exchange (FX) market. A higher cross-sectional covariance between dealers’ risk aversions and inventories is associated with higher FX returns. Although unobservable, this statistic can be proxied by the cross-sectional covariance between dealer-to-customer (D2C) prices and bid-ask spreads. A higher cross sectional dispersion of dealer risk aversions is associated with higher liquidity in the dealer to-dealer market and can be proxied by the crosssectional dispersion of D2C spreads. These predictions are confirmed empirically using proprietary data on the largest FX dealers’ D2C quotes.