N°18-05: How is Liquidity Priced in Global Markets?

AuthorI. Chaieb, V. R. Errunza, H. Langlois
Date5 Jan. 2018
CategoryWorking Papers

We develop a new global asset pricing model to study the joint impact of liquidity and investability constraints for 42 markets. On average, developed and emerging market stocks that can only be held locally are associated with an extra premium of 2.23% and 11.43%, attributed to liquidity level premium (LLP) of 1.06% and 2.39% and unspanned local market risk premium (LMRP) of 1.17% and 9.04%, respectively. While LLP and LMRP are two channels affecting the pricing of segmented stocks, they are differentially related to measures of information quality, sentiment, ownership, short selling, insider trading, and funding and market conditions.