Updated Global Financial Regulation, Transparency, and Compliance Index (GFRTCI)

The updated, 2023 SFI GFRTCI shows only small changes compared to last year's edition. Nine of the ten top-ranked countries in 2023 were also in the top ten in 2022, Switzerland among them. It is, however, noteworthy that more than 75 percent of the countries covered in the GFRTCI are now fully compliant with the current Basel regulatory framework.
Date10 May 2023
CategoryPublic Discussion Notes
Updated Global Financial Regulation, Transparency, and Compliance Index (GFRTCI)

Financial regulation, transparency, and compliance remain major aspects in any analysis of a financial center's reputation and attractiveness. Against this background, SFI has established a comprehensive regulation index over the last four years. The index is a simple, understandable ranking of the extent to which individual countries adopt, comply with, and enforce a set of global standards. 
The updated, 2023 GFRTCI is based on the same framework, index components, and component weights as previous editions, and therefore documents the changes that have taken place since 2020. In this year's index, Switzerland sits in 8th place (compared to its 1st place in 2020, 4th place in 2021, and 7th place in 2022), behind Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Ireland, Denmark, the Netherlands, and France. Portugal has experienced the largest year-on-year increase in its ranking, rising from 17th place in 2022 to 11th place in 2023. 


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