Professor François Degeorge is Managing Director of Swiss Finance Institute (SFI), SFI Senior Chair, and Professor of Finance at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI). He is a former Dean of the Faculty of Economics at USI and a former President of the European Finance Association. He has taught at HEC Paris, where he also served as Associate Dean for Research. He has been a visiting professor at the Tuck School of Business (Dartmouth), at Université Paris-Dauphine, and at the Saïd Business School (Oxford). Prof. Degeorge holds a PhD from Harvard University, where he was a Fulbright Scholar and an Arthur Sachs Scholar. He has received numerous teaching and research awards.



Press Articles


03.04.2024 | Le Temps – L’université: tour d’ivoire, ou au service de la société?

16.01.2024 | Le Temps – Des leçons pour la Suisse du retour de bâton anti-ESG aux Etats-Unis

07.12.2023 | Neue Zürcher Zeitung – Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften: Lehren aus dem Gegenwind in den USA

20.11.2023 | – La finanza all’università: al servizio della società o dell’avidità?

17.11.2023 | – Mischt sich die Finanzwelt an den Unis zu stark ein?

06.11.2023 | – Corporate funding for universities: serving society or human greed?

30.10.2023 | – La finance à l’uni, au service de la société ou de la cupidité?

29.05.2023 | – François Degeorge: «Das Angebot ist nicht nur für die Schweiz einmalig»

11.04.2021 | Tages Anzeiger – Überlasst die Politik nicht den Managern

07.07.2020 | Le Temps – Micro-taxe: non aux expériences idéologiques

23.04.2020 | Finanz und Wirtschaft – Keine ideologisch motivierten Experimente

13.01.2020 | Le Temps – Le mythe de la pensée dominante en économie et en finance 

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