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Joël Wagner is Professor of Actuarial Science at the University of Lausanne, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors at Retraites Populaires, and Member of the Board of Directors at LALUX Group, and was previously a Member of the Swiss Federal Occupational Pension Supervisory Commission.


Professor Wagner studies the financial risk of facing the costs associated with long-term care (LTC) from different angles. Regarding the generally limited development of LTC insurance markets, he explains that LTC risk misperceptions are surprisingly widespread at the individual level and that the role of family altruism is heterogeneous, suggesting that other factors need to be unearthed to explain the small market for LTC insurance. He further details that private LTC insurance does not entirely protect individuals against enormous medical costs in many countries but that it improves the general well-being of insured individuals, motivates savings, and reduces intergenerational wealth transfers. Finally, he posits that combined products that bundle life and health risks and public–private partnerships that integrate LTC into health and pension systems could help overcome systemic limitations.

Expertise Fields

  • Financial Markets
    • Financial Crises
    • Systemic Risk and Regulation
  • Portfolio Management and Asset Classes
    • Portfolio Management
  • Financial Institutions
    • Insurance Companies
    • Pension Funds
  • Corporate Finance and Governance
    • Capital Budgeting and Investment Policy
    • Financial Risk and Risk Management
    • Financing Policy and Capital Structure
  • Frontier Topics
    • Big Data and Fintech
    • Sustainable Finance

Current Publications:

N°17-69: Asset-Liability Management for Long-Term Insurance Business

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