Partner Event: Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance

Date30 Nov 2021
Time14:30 - 19:00
LocationForum Genève & online

Under the direction of SFI Professor Philipp Krueger from the University of Geneva, the Virtual Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance highlights cutting edge sustainable finance research results. 

The GSSF is taking place this year within the scope of Building Bridges, a broader event that aims to foster new conversations and collaborations among practitioners, policy-makers and academics with the objective of accelerating the finance industry’s contibution to the achievement of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The presenters will have 30 minutes to present their paper. The presentation will be followed by 10 minutes of presentation by the discussant, then 5 minutes of open Q&A with the virtual audience.


More information about the conference can be found at

For further information about the on-line conference, please contact:


14:30 - 15:15

Welcome Adress
SFI Prof. Tony Berrada, Professor of Finance (University of Geneva), Managing Director of the Geneva Finance Research Institute, and SFI Faculty Member

14:30 - 15:15

Exit vs. Voice

Presenting Author: Luigi Zingales* (Chicago)
Co-authors: Eleonora Broccardo (Trento); Oliver Hart (Harvard)
Discussant: Vincent Kaufmann (Ethos Fund)

15:20 - 16:05

Impact Investing and the Fostering of Business Ventures’ Financial
Performance and Social Impact in Disadvantaged Urban Areas

Presenting author: Caroline Flammer* (Boston)
Co-authors: Romain Boulongne (IESE Business School); Rodolphe Durand (HEC Paris)
Discussant: Catalina Martinez (FSG)

16:05 - 16:20 Break
16:20 - 17:05

The ESG-Innovation Disconnect: Evidence from Green Patenting

Presenting Authors: Umit Gurun (University of Texas at Dallas)
Co-authors: Lauren Cohen (Harvard); Quoc Nguyen (DePaul)
Discussant: Foort Hamelink (Lombard Odier)

17:10 - 17:45

Sustainability matters:
an interview with Swiss Re Group CEO Christian Mumenthaler

Chair: Rajna Gibson Brandon (Geneva)

17:45 - 17:50

Closing Remarks

17:50 - 19:00

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