What's New in Culture and Ethics? Insights for Managing Today's Financial Institutions

Date09 Sep 2022
Time13:00 - 17:00
LocationRenaissance Tower Hotel, Zurich
Prof. Alexander F. Wagner, SFI Senior Chair, University of Zurich
Gabe Shawn Varges, Senior Partner, HCM International

Executives and managers at all levels need to be skillful in managing grey areas and in deciding on matters for which a legal answer alone does not suffice.

What's new in our understanding of soft factors such as values, norms, and ethics? How should managers deal with ethical tensions in business and the workplace? What is the relationship of these soft factors to corporate culture? And how does all this fit in with today's concerns over sustainability and ESG issues?
This interactive Master Class uses scenarios and cases studies to illustrate these questions' practical relevance for financial services and other professionals.

Participants are invited to a subsequent networking aperitif.

Target Group

This Master Class is aimed at professionals who wish to deepen their understanding of culture and ethics and explore why competence in these areas is an essential skill for today's financial services manager.

Register here if you are attending your first SFI Master Class