Online Courses Are a Showcase and a Plus on Your CV
The reach of publicly open online courses is on the rise—and SFI faculty is engaging with this mode…
Financial Stability—Ten Years after the Crisis
Ten years after the most recent global financial crisis, the subject of financial stability is a top…
Der Finanzplatz lebt vom Wissenskapital
Krisensymptome seien dank der Forschung heute besser auszumachen. Doch es gebe auch neue Risiken, sagt…
Variable Vergütung mit strategischer Aktienzuteilung
Mit heutigen Management-Incentive-Systemen wird oft nicht die gewünschte Wirkung erzielt: einerseits…
The Effect of Loan Growth on Bank Performance
A bank’s core role is to accept deposits and make loans. Growth in a bank’s loan portfolio is therefore…
Comment attirer les actionnaires vers l'investissement responsable
Apprenez-en plus sur la finance durable dans l’interview de Prof. François Degeorge (directeur du SFI…
How Stress Tests Affect Banks’ Risk Taking
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the US Congress approved the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform…
Evoluzione continua per il private banking
Ticino Management has spoken to SFI Prof. Alberto Plazzi and Walter Bari from PKB Privatbank about USI…
Die Finanzforschung ist ein Schlüsselfaktor
Die wertvollste Ressource einer Branche ist die Expertise ihrer Arbeitskräfte.
Facing Digital Challenges
Digital disruption is changing the banking landscape―including the asset management business. Top-class…
Berufsaussichten: Bankmitarbeitende erwarten tiefere Löhne
Die Berufsaussichten in der Finanzbranche scheinen wieder attraktiver zu werden. Doch die Löhne und…
Do ETFs Increase Stock Volatility?
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have become increasingly popular. The share of market cap ownership by…
Certification pour la Maîtrise des marchés financiers
Avec une conférence de presse à Genève, SFI lance aujourd’hui une formation innovante en finance, destinée…
Does It Pay to Be an Optimist on the Option Trading Floor?
Optimism may help when securing jobs or promotions, but how does it fare on the option trading floor…
VGI–Sand im Getriebe der Schweizer Geldpolitik oder Befreiungsschlag
Am 10. Juni 2018 kommt die Vollgeld-Initiative zur Abstimmung, die eine grundlegende Umgestaltung des…
Is Centralized Trading of OTC Derivatives Stabilizing the Real Economy?
With a view to boosting market liquidity and enhancing financial market stability, in 2009 the G20 nations…
Survey: Job Prospects in the Swiss Financial Industry
Assess the job prospects in the Swiss financial industry. Already for the seventh time,, Communicators…
Finance Research Meets Practice
The dissemination of finance research findings and the dialogue between the academic world and practice…
Do High Salaries in Finance Hurt the Wider Economy?
High salaries in the financial sector have regularly been blamed for attracting top talent to finance…
Will Basel III Implementation Be Effective?
Responding to the most recent financial crisis, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision developed…