
N°14-16: Rebalancing with Linear and Quadratic Costs, R. Liu, J. Muhle-Karbe, and M. Weber, 2014.

R. Liu, J. Muhle-Karbe, and M. Weber
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-15: Linear-Rational Term Structure Models, D. Filipovic, M. Larsson, and A. Trolle, 2014.

D. Filipović, A. Trolle, M. Larsson
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-14: Information Processing and Non-Bayesian Learning in Financial Markets, S. Schraeder, 2014.

S. Schraeder
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-13: The Impact of Foreign Bank Presence on Foreign Direct Investment in China, S. Ongena, S. Qi, and S. Qin, 2014.

S. Ongena, S. Qi, and S. Qin
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-12: Do Underpriced Firms Innovate Less?, G. Parise, 2014.

G. Parise
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-11: Financing Asset Sales and Business Cycles, M. Arnold, D. Hackbarth, and T. X. Puhan, 2014.

M. Arnold, D. Hackbarth, and T. X. Puhan
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-10: Exchange Risk and Market Integration, I. Chaieb and V. Errunza, 2014.

I. Chaieb, V. Errunza
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-09: Portfolio Delegation and Market Efficiency, S. Malamud and E. Petrov, 2014.

S. Malamud, E. Petrov
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-08: Portfolio Selection with Options and Transaction Costs, S. Malamud, 2014.

S. Malamud
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-07: Toward a Unified Framework of Credit Creation, S. Von Der Becke and D. Sornette, 2014.

D. Sornette, S. Von Der Becke
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-06: Financial Brownian Particle in the Layered Order Book Fluid and Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations, D. Sornette, H. Takayasu, M. Takayasu, and Y. Yura, 2014.

D. Sornette, H. Takayasu, M. Takayasu, and Y. Yura
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-05: Long/Short Equity Hedge Funds and Systematic Ambiguity, R. Gibson Brandon and N. Ryabkov, 2014.

R. Gibson Brandon, N. Ryabkov
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-04: Financing Investment: The Choice between Bonds and Bank Loans, E. Morellec, P. Valta, and A. Zhdanov, 2014.

E. Morellec, P. Valta, A. Zhdanov
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-03: Capital Adequacy Tests and Limited Liability of Financial Institutions, P. Koch-Medina, S. Moreno-Bromberg, and C.-A. Munari, 2014.

P. Koch-Medina, S. Moreno-Bromberg, and C.-A. Munari
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014

N°14-02: Liquidity and Investment Horizon, V. Vovchak, 2014.

V. Vovchak
Working Papers
1. Jan. 2014
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