
N°24-26: Institutional Investors and the Fight Against Climate Change

Z. Sautner, T. Kolasa
Working Papers
17. Apr. 2024

N°24-25: Technology Entrepreneurs’ Environmental Commitments and Crowdfunding Outcomes

V. Pursiainen, M. Qian, D. Y. Tang
Working Papers
16. Apr. 2024

N°24-24: Examining the Relationship between Bank Reputational Disaster and Sponsored Money Market Fund Flows

S. Ongena, E. Akyildirim, S. Corbet, D. Staunton
Working Papers
16. Apr. 2024

N°24-23: Good and Bad Credit Growth: Sectoral Credit Allocation and Systemic Risk

S. Ongena, A. N. Andrieș, N. Sprincean
Working Papers
16. Apr. 2024

Limited Attention to Detail in Financial Markets: Evidence from Reduced-Form and Structural Estimation

Z. Sautner, H. Cronqvist, T. Ladika, E. Pazaj
Academic Publications
2. Apr. 2024

Is it Alpha or Beta? Decomposing Hedge Fund returns when models are misspecified.

P. Gagliardini, O. Scaillet, D. Ardia, L. Barras
Academic Publications
2. Apr. 2024

Asset Life, Leverage, and Debt Maturity Matching

E. Morellec, T. Geelen, J. Hajda, A. Winegar
Academic Publications
2. Apr. 2024

ESG Shareholder Engagement and Downside Risk

Z. Sautner, A. G. F. Hoepner, I. Oikonomou, L. T. Starks, X. Y. Zhou
Academic Publications
20. März 2024

N°24-22: Climate Transition Beliefs

S. Ramelli, M. Ceccarelli
Working Papers
1. März 2024

N°24-21: Paying Too Much? Borrower Sophistication and Overpayment in the US Mortgage Market

A. Fuster, N. Bhutta, A. Hizmo
Working Papers
1. März 2024

N°24-20: Household Belief Formation in Uncertain Times

R. Mihet, L. Gemmi
Working Papers
27. Feb. 2024

N°24-19: CEOs Showing Humanity: Human Care Statements in Conference Calls and Stock Market

A. Wagner, L. C. Howe, L. M. Giurge, J. I. Menges
Working Papers
27. Feb. 2024

N°24-18: Green Innovations—Do Patents Pay Off for the Environment or for the Investors?

T. Hens, M. Schlosser, E. Trutwin
Working Papers
27. Feb. 2024

N°24-17: The Price of Money: The Reserves Convertibility Premium over the Term Structure

K. Nyborg, J. Woschitz
Working Papers
20. Feb. 2024

N°24-16: Pension Liquidity Risk

A. Ranaldo, K. A. E. Jansen, S. Klinger, P. Duijm
Working Papers
12. Feb. 2024
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