N°22-93: Stock Market Liquidity, Monetary Policy and the Business Cycle

AutorM. Leippold, V. Wolff
Datum18. Nov. 2022
KategorieWorking Papers

Næs, Skjeltorp, and Ødegaard (2011) provide empirical evidence that stock market liquidity contains leading information about future economic activity. Their result suggests a rebalancing of small, increasingly illiquid to large stocks in recession times, an expression of "flight-to-quality". We show that the relationship no longer holds due to the Fed's accommodative monetary policy to buoy stock markets in crisis starting in the 1990s. Moreover, we document that liquidity dry-ups in small stocks no longer coincide with recessions. The Fed's interventions mute the systematic link between monetary conditions and aggregate stock market liquidity's well-established business cycle component.