Nº 20-102: Management Practices and M&A Success

AutorS. Ongena, M. D. Delis, M. Iosifidi, P. Kazakis, M. G. Tsionas
Datum4. Dez. 2020
KategorieWorking Papers

This paper studies whether management quality in acquiring firms determines merger and acquisition (M&A) success. We model management practices as an unobserved (latent) variable in a standard microeconomic model of the firm and derive firm-year management estimates. We show that our measure is among the most important determinants of value creation in M&A deals. Our results are robust to the inclusion of acquirer fixed effects, to a large set of control variables, and to several other sensitivity tests. We also show that management explains, albeit to a lesser extent, acquirers’ return on equity and Tobin’s q.