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Per Östberg is Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Zurich. Professor Östberg is a regular speaker at finance conferences and seminars worldwide and has served on the program committees of several conferences. His research interests include financial markets, household finance, and corporate finance.


Professor Östberg focuses on the latest European sovereign debt crisis. Using high-frequency data, he shows that episodes of market turmoil in the European sovereign bond market were usually associated with significant decreases in trading volume. Regarding trading volume, the response to market stress was essentially related to transaction costs. Low transaction cost turmoil episodes were associated with volume increases, during which investors rebalanced their portfolios. In contrast, high transaction cost turmoil periods were associated with abnormally low volume, during which the market froze. His results suggest that the European sovereign debt crisis was not associated with large-scale rebalancing among investors.

Expertise Fields

  • Financial Markets
    • Financial Crises
  • Portfolio Management and Asset Classes
    • Equities
    • Fixed Income
  • Corporate Finance and Governance
    • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Frontier Topics
    • Big Data and Fintech

Current Publications:

N°23-55: Difference-in-differences with Economic Factors and the Case of Housing Returns

Nº 22-09: Non-Standard Errors

N°17-32: The Sovereign Debt Crisis: Flights or Freezes?

Social Interaction at Work

Money and Liquidity in Financial Markets

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