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Lorenz Küng is Associate Professor of Economics at the Università della Svizzera italiana. Before joining the faculty in Lugano, Professor Küng held positions at Northwestern University and served as a Research Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. His papers have been published in the top journals in economics and finance.


Professor Küng studies how the increasing availability of detailed household financial transaction microdata over the past decade has dramatically expanded our understanding of household decision-making and aggregate economic fluctuations across a wide range of fields. Until recently, the detailed aspects of household finance were only available for a small slice of the population or had to be inputted from less granular and infrequent administrative surveys. Nowadays, however, data from banks, Fintech apps, and credit card companies provides an exhaustive, high-frequency insight into households' financial flows. This wealth of data was likely one of the key factors that allowed the response to government fiscal interventions to be tracked so accurately during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Expertise Fields

  • Financial Markets
    • Central Banks and Monetary Policy
  • Portfolio Management and Asset Classes
    • Personal Finance and Household Choices
    • Real Estate
  • Frontier Topics
    • Big Data and Fintech

Current Publications:

Financial returns to household inventory management

SFI Roundup: Einblicke in den heutigen Immobilienmarkt – die Schweiz im Fokus

Consumption Imputation Errors in Administrative Data

SFI Roundup: Immobilien – Wie solide sind die Fundamente?

Nº 20-115: Correlation in State and Local Tax Changes

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