SFI–SSF Conference 2024

ESG Financing for SMEs and Real Estate: Addressing Risk While Creating Value
Datum05 Sep. 2024
Zeit13:15 - 17:00
StandortLake Side, Bellerivestrasse 170, 8008 Zurich

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In partnership with Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) and in association with Building Bridges (BB), the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) is hosting the fourth edition of its renowned conference on current sustainable finance issues. This year's theme is "ESG Financing for SMEs and Real Estate: Addressing Risk While Creating Value". The conference will be held in Zurich on Thursday, 5 September 2024.

In today's banking landscape, sustainable finance has become an integral aspect of all banking services, reflecting a growing commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and real estate financing are pivotal sectors for many Swiss banks, presenting unique opportunities to drive substantial real-world impact in fostering sustainability across Switzerland. The conference offers a platform for learning innovative strategies and best practices that not only advance sustainability objectives but also enhance client satisfaction and banking performance.



Doors Open, Registration, and Lunch

13:15 Welcome Note
Olivia Kinghorst, Moderator

Short Interview with Representatives of SFI and of SSF
Prof. François Degeorge, Managing Director, SFI, and
Sabine Döbeli, CEO, SSF,
moderated by Olivia Kinghorst



Impulse Keynote Presentation: The Value of ESG: Where and Why It Matters
SFI Prof. Zacharias Sautner, Professor of Sustainable Finance, UZH, and Senior Chair, SFI

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises


Presentation I
Dr. Christian Hofer, Head Sustainability, Political Affairs & Cooperative, Raiffeisen Switzerland


Presentation II: Investor Impact Across Asset Classes
SFI Prof. Julian Kölbel, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Finance, UNISG, Faculty Member, SFI, and Research Affiliate, MIT Sloan


Presentation III
Angélique Chatton, Head of Sustainability, BCV


Joint Q&A


Break and Refreshments

Real Estate


Presentation I
SFI Prof. Roland Füss, Professor of Real Estate Finance, UNISG, and Faculty Member, SFI


Presentation II
Nicolas Di Maggio, CEO, Swiss Finance & Property AG


Presentation III
Elvira Bieri, CEO, SSREI AG


Joint Q&A


Panel Discussion: Risk Management to Real-World Impact

  • Roman C. Ballmer, Head of Hedonic Products and Deputy CEO, IAZI AG
  • Sabine Döbeli, CEO, SSF
  • Christine Gugolz, Lead Sustainability Strategy, Chief Sustainability Office, UBS
  • Dr. oec. publ. Jürg de Spindler, Geschäftsführer, VSRB
    Moderated by Olivia Kinghorst

Closing Remarks
Olivia Kinghorst, Moderator

17:00 Aperitif


The conference will be moderated by Olivia Kinghorst, moderator and journalist.


This in-person conference will be held in English and participation is free of charge. Please note, however, that we only have a limited number of places available. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note too that this is a public event and that photographs will be taken.


Conference organized in partnership with Swiss Sustainable Finance and in association with Building Bridges



Lake Side, Bellerivestrasse 170, 8008 Zurich