Risk Management Using Factor Models

Renaissance Tower Hotel, Zurich
Datum02 Dez. 2022
Zeit13:00 - 17:00
StandortRenaissance Tower Hotel, Zurich
Prof. Pierre Collin-Dufresne, SFI Senior Chair, EPFL
Dr. Günter Schwarz, Head Risk Modelling, UBS Asset Management

The concept of risk and return is at the core of any sound investment decision. In this context, for decades, factor models have been at the heart of quantitative portfolio construction. They are widely used to construct risk models—e.g. by well-known providers of risk models such as MSCI-Barra, FactSet, and Bloomberg—and to estimate expected returns (e.g. by Fama and French, 1993). Recently, institutions such as BlackRock, AQR and many others have an increased focus on the further development of these existing and proven models. This way, the increasingly complex influencing factors and interdependencies in the dimensions of risk and return are to be better captured, thus optimizing risk-adjusted returns.



The focus of this Master Class is to convey the latest findings with regard to the general understanding of and in particular the application of factor models in investment and portfolio management. The most popular factor models will be explained using practical examples, and current industry standards will be examined and critically scrutinized. We will also show how up-to-date environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) factors can be incorporated into factor modeling and quantitative investment management.  

  • Introduction to factor models
    – The Barra factor model of covariance matrix returns
    – How to use a risk model to decompose a portfolio into its risk exposures
  • Factor risk models applied in practice
    – Becoming acquainted with different industry standards such as MSCI Barra, FactSet, and Bloomberg
    – Discussion of the feasibility and advantages/disadvantages of using in-house solutions versus outsourcing
    – Exploring use cases in practice
  • Group activity: Factors—What freedom to choose?
  • Factor risk models and efficient asset allocation
    – How to target any linear criteria, such as ESG scores or expected return
    – Is there a link between ESG scores or expected return and risk factors?


Target Audience

The Master Class is aimed at professionals from the financial industry who work in asset and wealth management or risk management or in investment banking. The format is a combination of presentations, discussions, and group problem solving.


SAQ Recertification

This SFI Master Class is an acknowledged SAQ recertification measure for CWMA and Affluent Client Advisor profiles and comprises four learning hours (4 credits).

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