17th Annual Meeting of SFI

Banking and Technology
Datum10 Nov. 2022
Zeit13:30 - 17:35
StandortLake Side, Zurich & online

Hybrid Conference

  • ​​​​​​Online participants: Please use the following link to join the conference virtually: https://slidesync.com/VnkR3nOvDa
  • On site participants: Door Opening: 12:30h, Lake Side, Bellerivestrasse 170, 8008 Zurich.

17th Annual Meeting

The intersection of finance and technology is transforming the financial world. An explosion of innovations promises to make financial intermediation more efficient, transparent, and accessible for clients. How will these sweeping changes affect the business opportunities and the competitive landscape in banking and finance? Are the inherent risks to privacy and financial stability being properly assessed and managed? And how should the regulatory framework evolve?

We will hear the views of three distinguished keynote speakers:

  • Prof. Franklin Allen, Professor of Finance and Economics, Vice Dean of Research and Faculty, and Director of the Brevan Howard Centre at Imperial College London
  • Ralph Hamers, UBS Group Chief Executive Officer
  • Dr. Andréa M. Maechler, Member of the Governing Board of Swiss National Bank

The Annual Meeting of the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) is one of the leading events in the Swiss financial community’s calendar and an exclusive discussion platform. It brings together the finest minds in academia and key financial market players. The widely respected event enables practitioners and academics to exchange the knowledge and expertise that will keep Switzerland at the top in banking and finance.


12:30 Doors Open, Registration & Sandwiches
13:30 Opening Remarks & Welcome

Prof. François Degeorge,
Managing Director and Senior Chair, SFI

Keynote Presentation I: Innovation and the Future of Payments—SNB’s Perspective
(incl. Q&A)

Dr. Andréa M. Maechler,
Member of the Governing Board of Swiss National Bank

14:20 Break


Keynote Presentation II: Banking and Technology: Engineering the Future (incl. Q&A)

Ralph Hamers, 
UBS Group Chief Executive Officer


Break (B.R.A.I.N. Up Vital Session)


Keynote Presentation III: Fintech and Financial Structure Transformation (incl. Q&A)

Prof. Franklin Allen, 
Professor of Finance and Economics, Vice Dean of Research and Faculty, and Director of the Brevan Howard Centre at Imperial College London


Panel Discussion

Prof. Franklin Allen
Ralph Hamers
Dr. Andréa M. Maechler
SFI Prof. Jean-Charles Rochet, Senior Chair and Head of Research, SFI, and Professor of Banking, UNIGE


Closing Remarks

Dr. Stefan Seiler, Group Head Human Resources, UBS AG, and Foundation Board Chairman, SFI




The event will be moderated by Carolin Roth, business journalist


This year's Annual Meeting will be held as a hybrid event, with limited on-site attendance at Lake Side in Zurich combined with an online live stream accessible to a broader audience. Please note that this is a public event and photographs will be taken. Attendance is free of charge.

Lake Side, Bellerivestrasse 170, 8008 Zurich

Lake Side
Bellerivestrasse 170
8008 Zürich

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