SFI Roundups: Finance and the Green Transition

The transition to a green economy is now a top priority for the private sector, which not only contributes to the transition, but also is being transformed by it.
Date10 Nov 2020

The transition to a green economy is now a top priority for the private sector, which not only contributes to the transition, but also is being transformed by it. This SFI Roundup provides evidence-based perspectives on the opportunities and risks which lie ahead, as well as how the financial sector, governments, central banks, firms, and consumers can all contribute to solve the climate puzzle.


Discover research insights into this topic from SFI Prof. Philipp Krüger, UNIGE, SFI Prof. Steven Ongena, UZH, SFI Prof. Jean-Charles Rochet, UNIGE, and SFI Prof. Alexander F. Wagner, UZH, as well as practical insights from Ms. Claudia Bolli, Head Responsible Investing at Swiss Re, and Ms. Sabine Döbeli, CEO of Swiss Sustainable Finance, in our most recent issue.


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